Our mission is to help early stage ventures tell their stories and secure funding.



We believe the first step to any successful venture is crafting a great narrative. Our goal is to get your venture in front of the people who will help you the most, whether investor or customer. That all starts with a great story. 


Our network includes potential investors, mentors, and advisors as well as artists, content creators and other entrepreneurs. Our goal is to put you in contact with those that will help tell your story and get you in front of the people that will move you forward, be they customers or investors.



Securing funding is often the hardest problem for early stage ventures and young founders. We work with your venture to develop the best path to funding, determining the best sources and partners. Once you are ready we do everything we can to put you in front of your potential investors.  

Who do we help?


First Cut Ventures is primarily looking for startups in the earliest stages. This means startups that have very little to no funding.

Our areas of expertise lie in the realms of entertainment, social and digital media, sports and gaming, so we place a priority on tech companies that are finding solutions in these fields.

However, if your startup needs help telling its story we believe we are the right people to help, regardless of the industry. Let’s grab a coffee, it’s on us! Click above or email ventures@firstcutgroup.com to contact us.


Join Our Team


Working on building the next big idea? Have a startup and need help securing funding? If you are creating the next great company we'd love to talk. Click above or email ventures@firstcutgroup.com to contact us - coffee is on us!


We are always looking to grow our great network of mentors and advisors. If you would like to help the next great companies and their founders please contact us above or email team@firstcutgroup.com. We are always looking to add great leaders from various industries.  


We are always looking for awesome people to join our Team. If your are interested in working with some fantastic startups and helping us find even more please contact us above or email team@firstcutgroup.com

Artists/COntent Creators

We have a strong focus on building a great relationship between tech and entertainment/media. We are always looking for talented content creators to partner with our startups. If you are interested please contact us. We also have services to help artists and content creators. To find out more head to First Cut Productions.